For Golfers

enjoy the ride

Get Active on
Your Terms

Drive Straight
to Your Ball

Easy, Stable, Comfortable Ride

PLay faster, play better

With electric pedal assist and throttle, plus a lightweight, low-impact design, you can ride directly to your ball in any conditions (even when it’s “cart path only”) while minimizing turf impact. Our bikes offer a fast and fun way to get around the course, while allowing more time for shot preparation, and keeping the course in pristine condition.

Customize your activity level

Enjoy low-impact exercise on your terms, with adjustable pedal assist that lets you customize your activity level throughout the round. Dial down the assist for a workout, throttle up to power through hilly terrain, or cruise down the fairways at a leisurely pace. It's flexible, fun, and perfectly fits your fitness needs.

Stability & comfort

The innovative three-wheel design, featuring advanced shock absorbers and robust disc brakes, means smooth, safe travel in any terrain. Adjust the electric assist to suit your pace, conveniently store your accessories, and enjoy a hassle-free round of golf every time.